Tel: 0086-17121115666

Steel Hoarding Solutions: Easy to Install and Dismantle


Product Description:

BMP brings over a decade of expertise in offering robust Steel Hoarding solutions, designed to be easy to install and dismantle, creating a continuous, strong barrier for your site. This free-standing system is not only cost-effective compared to traditional timber hoarding options, but also flexible, accommodating a range of temporary setups.

Temporary hoardings have many uses:

  • Construction Sites: They're perfect for construction or demolition sites. They stop people and animals from getting in and keep the site out of sight.

  • Event Venues: For concerts, sports, or fairs, you can use hoardings to manage where people go in or to keep parts off-limits.

  • Renovation Projects: When shops or offices are getting a facelift, hoardings hide the mess and keep customers from wandering into work zones.

  • Outdoor Art Displays: Artists and art festival organizers often use hoardings as a place to create murals and show public art.

  • Public Safety: During emergencies or safety issues, you can set up hoardings fast to make an area secure.

  • Environmental Protection: To guard parts of nature, like places where birds nest or new growth after fires, hoardings are really helpful.

Detailed Specifications for our 2m and 2.4m Steel Steel Hoarding

To ensure we cater to diverse needs, we offer two variants of our steel hoarding fences:

 2m Steel Hoarding Fence2.4m Steel Hoarding Fence
Total Height1980mm2380mm
Panel Weight30kg40kg

2m Steel Hoarding Fence Specifications

  • Length: 2140mm

  • Total Height: 1980mm

  • Panel Weight: 30kg

2.4m Steel Hoarding Fence Specifications

  • Length: 2140mm

  • Total Height: 2380mm

  • Panel Weight: 40kg

Advantages of Choosing BMP's Temporary Steel Hoarding Solutions

  • Our Steel Hoarding solutions promise a number of benefits that will transform the way you secure your sites:

  • Improved Security: Temporary hoardings offer a secure barrier that helps to prevent unauthorized access to your site, protecting your equipment and resources.

  • Increased Privacy: The solid structure of hoarding panels helps to maintain privacy by keeping your worksite hidden from public view.

  • Compliance: They help businesses comply with safety and privacy regulations, avoiding potential fines or sanctions.

  • Safety: Lastly, but most importantly, they enhance safety by preventing accidents, containing debris within the site, and keeping pedestrians safe.

You can set up these panels fast and take them down just as easily, which saves you time and money on work. Temporary hoardings are really flexible and you can use them for lots of things, like building sites or places where events happen. They're a smart choice because you can use them again and move them around, so you get more for what you pay. They are tough because they're made of strong stuff like steel and can handle rough weather. You can also make them look the way you want by painting them or putting up signs and banners to share news or advertise.Environmentally Friendly: Temporary hoarding doesn't require digging or causing any permanent damage to the site, making it an environmentally friendly option.


Temporary Steel Hoarding: A New Age Solution

Our new temporary steel hoarding combines the perks of modular temporary fencing with a solid, private wall. This mix gives you better security and privacy, and lots of construction and business sites choose it for that reason. With BMP's Steel Hoarding, you can lock down your site well, which lets you relax and concentrate on your main work.





Contact: Frank

Phone: 0086-17121115666

Tel: 0086-318-7883678


Add: 053600 B125-B135 Ziwu Indutries Zone Zi Wen Town Anping County Hengshui Heibei Province China

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